Saturday, 8 January 2011

Memo to SITDEC [Ondo State Information Technology Development Centre] : Two things worth doing...

One, The Ondo State Information Technology Development Centre (SITDEC) has been around according to Wikipedia since 2005.

To the best of our knowledge, It has never maintained a website. This cannot be right for a supposed Technology development Centre.

A google search for "SITDEC" resolves to nothing really useful nor related to the Ondo state department.

Two: The official state government website at remains largely uncompleted as to be almost useless:

The footer on the website indicate it has been launched since 2009. That is two years ago. 

- When are the respective government ministries to have  contact us pages ? 

- When will the website have properly updates pages for each of the 18 LGA's in Ondo state ?

If there are no listed email addresses for each of these LGAs, how can anyone contact them  or their respective chairmen ?

The Ondo SITDEC - and we assume are responsible for the maintenance of - should look into enhancing the quality and quantity of information that is accessible to the world from Ondo  state.

A website is only as good as the content - usable content   - that is provided on it.  

A lot of the governors photos, or news items that are  already reported elsewhere does not, strictly speaking,  count.

Here is hoping someone at SITDEC is listening...

Posted via email from allondostate's posterous

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