Saturday, 29 May 2010

The Kind of stuff that surprises Emperor Olusegun Obasanjo

Olusegun Obasanjo, is one of Nigeria's lucky (mis)leaders.

Yet, he will go down in history as one of the worst for reasons not needing any rehash. 

It must be said however, that of all his prolific state of crudeness at everything, the 2007 elections he supervised for Nigeria has to take the fullarks. In its evil-ness.

And that is why you would think nothing could surprise the emperor himself. 

Hear him, speaking about the fact that a court over-ruled his INEC, foot soldiers in Ondo-state.

The development came to me as a great surprise and I never expected that it will happen,” he declared while receiving prominent politicians including billionaire businessman Jimoh Ibrahim who joined the Peoples Democratic Party in Akure, the state capital.

And It makes you cringe to think this is coming from someone who likes to delude himself as being the father of modern(?) Nigeria. Some lauder him an elder statesman. Colour me silly!

No wonder he repeatedly refused to obey Supreme court judgements.


General O.O, Your party - of gangsters - rigged the election, the way they did In Ekiti, as it was in Osun, and as you failed and failed and will fail to do in Lagos,  but even the most corrupt of all courts know you do not mess around with the people of Ondo state. 

How in the world did you not expect that a decent court will over-rule your electoral heist ?

You know, In the old days when men were men, It would be wrong to repeat this, in the pristine nature of finesse in African culture, but you General Olusegun Obasanjo, should be shot! for all the mindless rape you have levied on your nation, and continent. Professor Soyinka once referred to you as an idiot.

It is such a shame an idiot never knows when to shut his trap off... and really, should it not be time there is a blackout on these pranksters in the newspapers ?


Posted via email from allondostate's posterous

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