Sunday, 21 February 2010

Gbenga Akinmoyo On the Ondo state new Traffic sheme.

The ondo state government recently launched a Traffic control scheme.

Full report can be obtained here

"...I think the approach is wrong. Recruiting more personnel to the existing agencies, better shift systems, improved training facilities etc. would have been a better option."
---- Gbenga Akinmoyo, a commentator here

That is it really. 


The deputy governor of Ondo state - Ali Olanusi explains:

"...the scheme was born of the desire by the government to maintain free movement in the hitherto congested towns."

There goes another repeated duplication of efforts, and duplication of resource-consumpution-endpoints, and the folly of 'more' is always right.

It is not contested that the new effort will provide employment to a few select citizens. Goodluck to them.

What will be interesting is how the new scheme will / or will  not overlay with the duties of other state departments that are already, left undone.

It has to be said though,  most of these other parastatatals are under the control of the currently moribund Abuja federal government, 

In that sense, this might be a good idea.

Again. we defer to time...

Posted via email from allondostate's posterous

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